m8m2_n200_v1#sdc_update bootloader u-boot-aml-ucl.bin
sdio_detect return 1
[mmc_init] SDIO Port B:0, if_type=7, initialized OK!
Device: SDIO Port B
Manufacturer ID: 0
OEM: 0
Name: Tran Speed: 20000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7948206080
Boot Part Size: 0
Bus Width: 4-bit
fat:Filesize is 0x71770B[0M]
ERR(v2_common/optimus_simg2img.c)L60:sparse bad magic, expect 0xed26ff3a but 0xea000006
? ?? ???u-boot-aml-ucl.bin is exist
msg:Down(store) part(bootloader) sz(0x71770) fmt(normal)
msg:totalSlotNum = 0, nextWriteBackSlot 8
fat:Filesize is 0x71770B[0M]
fat:sz 0x770 gz 0x1770, bps 0x1000
msg:Burn Start...
msg:acsSettingInBin=0x4062b4, partTabSz=0x280
msg:Check parts table OK.
mmc switch part boot0 success
mmc switch part boot1 success
mmc switch part user success
msg:Burn complete
BURN u-boot-aml-ucl.bin to part bootloader OK!
=====>Burn part bootloader in fmt normal OK<======
m8m2_n200_v1#sdc_update recovery uImage_recovery
Device: SDIO Port B
Manufacturer ID: 0
OEM: 0
Name: Tran Speed: 20000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7948206080
Boot Part Size: 0
Bus Width: 4-bit
fat:Filesize is 0xb52ac8B[11M]
ERR(v2_common/optimus_simg2img.c)L60:sparse bad magic, expect 0xed26ff3a but 0x88776655
? ?? ???uImage_recovery is exist
msg:flash LOGIC partCap 0x1400000B
msg:Down(store) part(recovery) sz(0xb52ac8) fmt(normal)
msg:totalSlotNum = 0, nextWriteBackSlot 1
fat:Filesize is 0xb52ac8B[11M]
msg:Burn Start...
fat:sz 0xac8 gz 0x2ac8, bps 0x1000
msg:Burn complete
BURN uImage_recovery to part recovery OK!
=====>Burn part recovery in fmt normal OK<======
m8m2_n200_v1#run recovery --update_package=/sdcard/ota.zip
enter recovery
Device: SDIO Port B
Manufacturer ID: 0
OEM: 0
Name: Tran Speed: 20000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 2.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7948206080
Boot Part Size: 0
Bus Width: 4-bit
reading recovery.img
** Unable to read "recovery.img" from mmc 0:1 **
Err imgread(L330):Fmt unsupported!genFmt 0x0 != 0x3
no recovery in flash
## Error: "--update_package=/sdcard/ota.zip" not defined
上一篇: TV盒子助手連接B860AV1.2的問題下一篇: 中興盒子B860AV1.1-T2打開ABD方法